Involving users
Together with Norwegian and Finnish disability organisations, the Funka Foundation ran a project to give more people with disabilities the chance to participate in product and service development.
The project was a response to a significant gap between in accessibility policy and practice. In theory many agree on how important it is to involve users with different needs in product development. In practice though, this seldom happens. This means, of course, that the results are poorer and often accessibility issues are completely forgotten.
Mapping, exchange of experience and support
Together with the Norwegian umbrella organisation for disability organisations, (Funksjonshemmedes Fellesorganisasjon, FFO), and the Finnish user organisation for people with intellectual disabilities,(Kehitysvammaliitto ry, KVL), we conducted surveys and a joint workshop to highlight the current situation and suggest improvements.
Survey results with municipalities
Survey results with users
Funding: Nordic Welfare Centre
Consortium: The Funka Foundation (project leader), Funksjonshemmedes Fellesorganisasjon (Norway), Kehitysvammaliitto ry (The Finnish Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities).